Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Pernyataan resmi, test HIV AIDS tidak dapat diandalkan, tidak reliable, unreliable

Stress dimulai saat diketahui kita positif HIV AIDS, yang ternyata hasil test positif ini mengandung tingkat kesalahan tinggi. Kenapa kita harus menyerahkan nasib kita pada alat test yang tidak akurat penimbul stress berat? Kenapa anda tidak serahkan saja kepada VCO saja? Untuk itu jangan ragu anda mencoba nutrisi yang satu ini, yang sudah diakui oleh para ahli dari barat mampu mengobati HIV AIDS

Health Education AIDS Liaison, Toronto


The following are more excerpts from the instruction pamphlets that come with the most commonly used HIV antibody tests (emphasis is ours):

Test HIV sangat tidak akurat

Di kutipkan langsung dari sebuah tulisan , bahwa test HIV AIDS sangat tidak akurat. Bisa saja, pasien HIV AIDS ini pun merupakan korban dari salah test HIV AIDS. Stress berat, patah semangat hidup, dan berakhir seperti itu. Apakah anda akan menyusul ? Menjadi salah satu korbannya? Maka jangan sekalipun ANDA percayakan nasib ANDA kepada TEST HIV AIDS.

Percayakan saja kesehariannya dengan mengkonsumsi
VCO, sebuah nutrisi hebat yang telah diakui.

Tests for HIV are highly inaccurate
This article was written in June 2000
and posted during the Internet Discussion
of the South African Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel
For the last 6 years I have been working at a laboratory of clinical immunology in one of the most prestigious University Hospitals in the City of New York. Here I have had the opportunity to personally run and get to know in detail the current tests used for the diagnosis of HIV status, namely, the ELISA, Western blot and Viral Load tests.
1. The ELISA, Western blot, and Viral Load tests, used for the diagnosis of "HIV infection" are not at all accurate
There are many arguments against the accuracy of these tests to diagnose infection by what is known as HIV. For those who want to search the issue deeper I strongly recommend begin studying the 1993 article in Bio/Technology by Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos and her group of researches from Perth, Western Australia (12).
Here are some facts that support that a person who reacts positively on these tests does not mean that he/she is infected with HIV: