Kamis, 22 April 2010

Revitalisasi kesehatan ANDA dengan makanan natural

Tulisan ini sudah berpindah ke halaman depan, mohon dibuka di Diet dengan minyak kelapa
Jika ANDA diatas 40 tahun umurnya dan terkena hipertensi, kolesterol tinggi, diabetes dan penyakit jantung? Bacalah segera dan saya berjanji inilah akan menjadi 6 menit terpenting dalam hidup ANDA
Minyak diet tersehat dari semua makanan yang ada di bumi ini!
Temukanlah rahasia dibalik makanan super yang tidak mahal ini yang sanggup mencegah penyakit jantung, stoke, pengerasan dari pembuluh arteri, memperbaiki pencernaan, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan bahkan membantu ANDA menurunkan berat badan tanpa efek samping dari obat-obatan.

Revitalisasi kesehatan ANDA dengan 100% makanan natural yang para dokter ANDA tidak akan pernah mendapatkannya .... hanya dengan seperti dari kondisi natural para IBU yang punya yang mampu melakukannya yaitu :

Mencegah dan men stop serangan jantung dan penyakit jantung
Mencegah stroke
Mencegah pengerasan dari pembuluh arteri
Membantu mengontrol diabetes, menurunkan berat badan dan mencegah osteoporosis
Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Meningkatkan sistem metabolisme dan mencegah efek penuaan
Mengurangi resiko terkenan Kanker dan penyakit-penyakit penuaan

Surat dari David Wright
Rabu, 5 Agustus 2009
Re: Minyak paling sehat di bumi ini

Halo semuanya,
Selama berabad-abad wanita dari daerah tropis telah menggunakan minyak kelapa untuk perawatan kulit, bibir, sebagai lotion maupun sabun, juga sebagai perawatan rambut, dan lain-lainnya untuk perawatan kesehatan dan perawatan badannya. Terimakasih kepada dunia riset modern sekarang yang telah membuktikan kepercayaan nenek moyang yang telah terbuktikan tanpa keraguan. Sebab virgin coconut oil mempunyai tekstur yang natural, berasal dari tumbuhan dan bebas dari pestisida serta bahan-bahan kimia dan kontaminan lainnya.

Minyak kelapa adalah minyak tersehat di bumi ini, kata Dr. Bruce Fife, doktor naturopatik dan pengarang buku dari The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Riset modern kembali menoleh kepada kesimpulan yang salah bahwa minyak kelapa menaikkan kolesterol, namun kenyataannya malahan para dokter menggunakannya dalam mengatasi berbagai keluhan. Secara studi klinis di Amerika telah menunjukkan bahwa minyak kelapa mempunyai anti mikroba dan anti viral, dan digunakan untuk pengobatan pasien-pasien AIDS. Studi yang berhubungan adalah di Filipina tahun 2009 yang lalu menunjukkan menurunnya virus dalam tubuh para pasien AIDS.

Virgin Coconut Oil ==>

Asam Laurat ==>
Kelenjar Tiroid ==>
Thyroxine ==>
LDL dipecah menjadi hormon-hormon lain :
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From David Wright

Friday, April 23, 2010Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Re: The Healthiest Oil On Earth

Dear friends,

For thousands of years women in tropical countries have used virgin coconut oil to moisturize their skin, lips, make lotions and soaps, as a hair conditioner, and many other things for health and body cares.

Thanks to modern research facilities, the ancient wisdom has been proven without a doubt !! Because this virgin coconut oil has a natural texture, comes from a vegetable source and is free from pesticides and other chemicals and contaminants.

Did you ever see people use pesticides on coconut trees? NEVER! It is the most resilient and versatile tree which survives in the toughest conditions.

"Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth" says Dr. Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and the author of "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil."

Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.

Clinical studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, and is now even being used in treating AIDS patients. Studies conducted in the Philippines last year showed that coconut oil does indeed reduce the viral load in AIDS patients.

Once mistakenly thought to be bad because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.

The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats. It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

These fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas. They're also used in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.

Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a “neutriceutical” because of its ability to help a number of health problems - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out on it.

Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut oil).

" Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects."

Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine. Even today it holds a highly respected position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. Only recently has modern medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed to this remarkable oil.

Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.

Announcing Enhanced VCO™.... The Healthiest Oil On Earth!

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Enhanced VCO is a natural food products with up to 3 times of Lauric Acid than what can be found in the mother’s milk! Traditional wisdom says that mother’s milk is infants best immune boaster, and Scientifically Laurid Acid is required by humans bodies, unfortunately human bodies cannot produce other than from the mother’s milk.

The Miracles Of Lauric Acid

Now researchers discovered that Virgin Coconut Oil can supply all the Laurid Acid needed for boasting our immune system, think of the health benefits that it brings to You!!

Modern research has shown that not all saturated fats are alike and virgin coconut oil is unique in its structural make-up due to its Lauric Acid and medium chain fatty acids - the closest to those found in human breast milk.

It is this close similarity with the mother’s milk that makes Virgin Coconut oil an exciting discovery! Some researches commented that it is probably the healthiest oil on Earth! Mother’s milk is scientifically proven as the best immune booster for suckling infants.

Imaging what human bodies can benefit from this Virgin Coconut Oil, which the content of Lauric Acid and medium chain fatty acid in Enhanced Virgin Coconut Oil is 3 times higher than the mother’s milk.

Source :

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